Planet 2030

A Virtual Educa Initiative for the decade
that will define the future of Humanity

The 2000s welcomed a 21st century in which Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Big Data, Augmented Reality, and a Cloud-Based digitalized society has led to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Most experts agree that the 2020-2030 decade will be critical for Humankind, since present societies will change at an exponential rate with Exponential Technologies. Therefore, it is urgent to identify the challenges and develop solutions/responses.

The 2030 Agenda, based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), is just a roadmap for a planet in dire need of disruptive solutions for the global challenges that we are facing. The 2030 PLANET Initiative, a Virtual Educa project shared with multilateral organizations, government agencies, academia, the private sector and the civil society, has the potential to be a key-triggering factor for the 2020-2030 period.

The Virtual Educa
Interactive Space

Transversal skills envisioning 2030

Environmental Ed

[Global Environmental Education Partnership]. Joint initiative by de North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) and Virtual Educa.



[Democracy and Citizendship in the Digital Age]. In collaboration with the National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE) and the Congress of Peru.



[A combination of scientific, technical and diversity skills]. Supported by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).



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¿Tienes una propuesta para mitigar el cambio climático en los países en desarrollo?

La Red Mundial Juvenil sobre el Clima (Global Youth Climate Network - GYCN), una iniciativa de la comunidad Youth-to-Youth (Y2Y) del Grupo Banco Mundial, ha lanzado la segunda edición de la Competición de Emprendimientos Climáticamente Inteligentes (Climate-Smart Entrepreneurship Competition). …

Europa crea un fondo de 75 millones de euros para proyectos de innovación en economía azul

La Unión Europea (UE) ha puesto en marcha un nuevo fondo de inversiones dotado con 75 millones de euros para financiar proyectos de economía azul, es decir, actividades ligadas a los océanos, mares y costas, informó la Comisión Europea (CE). El fondo, bautizado como BlueInvest, …

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